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Welcome to chocolate girl's ↖(^ω^)↗life journey
Wednesday, September 30, 2009Y

wahaha..window shopping in the website!!
i love those shoes DAMn much....^^
it is simple n beatiful...
but i think it is hard to look out in the shooping center..
am i rite..wuwu T.T..
dunno why, recently, i really love to buy shoes...
nw my goal are getting a pair of shoes wif "green colour"..wakaka...
Oop, xiao zabo joey, 2molo hv to exam,...
pls study nw!!! blekkkkkkkk........

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 8:42 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009Y

wow..14 frenz yo!!!surprise!!!happy^^

Happy 19th birthday to ME-joey!!!^^
im really enjoying 2day!!
12am nite..
my dearly housemate-pohpei,singyu,weiling,shufen
they prepare a small surprise to me..
but,i hv ady guess wat they want do to so...hehehe..clever leh
this is becoz the stupid act of weiling..haha
by the way, i still feel touching n happy!!
in order to appreciate them, i gv them a chocolate kiss to everyone of them...
haha..but they all run away...HMMmmm...
but i still got to kiss pohpei's pipi, weiling leg, singyu's hands!!haha
wow,thr are 14ppl celebrate my b'dae!!!
thr are a lot ppl..
i ady get to guess shan tze them wil prepare to me a small party..
but i didnt get to guess that there will be 14 ppl celebrate wif me!!
i thought thr will be only a few ppl...
very touching!!!^^^^
shan tze, shu tze, shu fen, shu chen, sing yu, joey2, jia xin, wai kiat, little green,
sinn honng, oyster, kok soon, kerpi, n kerpi's frenz!!
let me more surprise is kerpi coming..
coz he always put aeroplane once i ask him out for yam cha or else...
he nv go out wif US
this is 1st time!!!huhu..
really enjoying n happy 2day!!
thx my frenz...muack..i love u all
this year i've received 50+ ppl wish to me...huhu...
hope i will receive more n more wishes year by year!!!

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 6:36 AM

Saturday, June 20, 2009Y

yesterday nite, ching chuan and i discussed about the good way for study
the way that he used is concentrate on the cls,understand it,
then only scan the book be4 exam!!
he wont try to memory the point,
becoz he consider that understand is more meaning /useful than memory of it...
he think that if we try only memory of it, then wat we hv learned of it?? not use wat??...
yes, i agree wat he said..
but sometime, if i really cant understand of it,
the exam time is almost nearly, then i 've no choice to choose to memory of it...
the way of study i used is, there is no doubt that understand of it,
then i will try to find out the key word for every topic..
after that, assiciation the ideas by key word 2gather...
sometime, i oso use the method that ask to myself, and ans by myself..
last but not least is talk to other ppl wat i've read and understand,
that's all!!!
happy Father's day!!!

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 8:10 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009Y

cant believe in my eyes...
who is he??that's so familiar hair and body...
oh my gosh, he is ching chuan..
how come he is at here...
he suppose at cyber wat...
he and horace come to meet US...
so touching~~~~
really miss them...miss u guys.........
after we finish our cls, then we go out for having dinner togather...
after that, of course is watching movie loh..
becoz it is our favour thing to do after dinner...
we watched "drag me to the hell""
who say that it is not horrible??
it is 65%horrible + 35%funny...
quite nice....
have a nice day wif ching chuan, horace, liwei, shu fen, kok soon, n ah lol...

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 10:18 AM

Saturday, June 13, 2009Y

我是个好医生哦, 在游戏的时候, 我都没救自己,只救你们叻!!
4)哇,真惊讶。。yen hung 找我yam cha叻。。
5)要回去的马六甲的前一晚, 和翔的家人一起吃饭。。
下午的时候, 和uncle,紫颖,紫婷一起到mcdonald。。
uncle 把他们当自己女儿似的。。。我们玩得很开心!!!
晚上就和二姑一起吃,再到jusco shopping!!
还蛮生气的。。因为我很讨厌我爸一直是negative thinking!!!
7) the most disappointed is i hvn watched the coming soon!!!
although dear ady bought the DVD, but since i want wendy acc me watch together..
but, wendy too busy..we hv no time to watch it!!!haizzzz==

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 6:47 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009Y

eventually finished all the exam...
our foudation yr was ended at here.
really enjoy and fun in the foundation yr....

me & ching chuan
he is a very good frenz to me..
i've learn a lot frm him...
he let me feel that, mine perception in study is seem like same wif him...
unfortunately, start frm nxt sem, i cant be his coursemate anymore
since we take different course in degree yr..

alamak..wat they do??
we had done the last exam paper jor!!!...
happy holidays yo^^

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 9:18 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009Y

haiz, feel sad for my math paper just nw..
8.5 mark will be getting fly away ....
i pray for the other part wont lose the mark anymore, otherwise my A will definitely lose...
hope god bless me ya>.<
last paper will be going on 2moro..
it shows that our foudation yr is closely ending n
our holidays is coming soon~
im looking 4ward that day...
thr are a lot of entertainment and activity are waiting me...
1st, our crazysister gathering( desaru)
2nd, meet wif my feizai...
he has planed a lot of activities for us...lalalala
he wanted to cook the chocolate steamboat for me..wah,unbelievable to my ear....
3rd, mummy want me acc her go to penang...
n a lot....
MY holidays, im coming....

๑۩۞۩๑Our every track๑۩۞۩๑heart blue w/ glitter 9:41 AM